Category Archives: ASK AL

How to Create The Perfect Wardrobe

How To Create the Perfect Wardrobe

Ever wondered why you have a wardrobe crammed with stuff but still don’t have a thing to wear? Ever looked admiringly at others who seem to always look effortlessly stylish? Ever tried to steal someone’s style but felt like an imposter when you see yourself in the mirror? Never fear – we’ve all been here. But with the… Continue Reading

Pure Smile Teeth Whitening Review

Pure Smile Teeth Whitening Review

“Smile! Show us your pearly whites! Say ‘Cheese’!” Do any of these phrases fill you with dread? Have you resorted to closed-mouth grins in photos or even simply editing photos to whiten your teeth? If that sounds like you, I think I might’ve found a solution. It’s called Pure Smile, and the good news it… Continue Reading

50 Shades of Gorgeous Bargains!

50 Shades of Gorgeous Bargains!

I’ve read the books. All three. And, dare I admit it, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience! And with all the recent hype over the movie (which I sadly didn’t get to see) all the talk of grey got me to thinking.  With grey Winter weather well on the way, and lots of us dying to… Continue Reading

How to Find The Perfect Strapless Bra

How to Find The Perfect Strapless Bra

By now, you may be aware I’ve been on the hunt for THE perfect strapless bra. It’s taken me some time, but I’ve finally reached my verdict. There is no such thing as a perfect strapless bra! Well, with that finally “off my chest” (pun intended) we all know they’re a necessary evil. So one must ditch the… Continue Reading

Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening Review

Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening Review

I am one lucky girl. The lovely guys over at Smile Brilliant asked me to road-test/review their product, and being one who’s always wanted to try professional teeth whitening, of course I jumped at the opportunity! I’ve always had nice enough teeth, but they certainly didn’t fit into the category of the gleaming bright Hollywood smile.  I… Continue Reading

Stylish Summer Sandals For Big Feet

Stylish Summer Sandals For Big Feet

Never underestimate the power of the shoe! The wrong shoes can make or break any outfit, but what if  you struggle to find shoes to fit your larger feet? Have you noticed that most of the shoes  you like stop at size 10? And what does that mean for you if you’re a size 11… Continue Reading

How To Find The Right Jeans

How To Find The Right Jeans

“I just love shopping for new jeans.” Said no woman. Ever. Me included. With one exception. When I’m helping clients/friends find their new jeans.  You see, I’m really, really good at finding jeans to fit others. Just not for myself, because I don’t have normal legs.  But what’s normal anyway?  When I work that out, I’ll get… Continue Reading

Trench Coats & Blazers. An “Ask Al” from Tanya

Trench Coats & Blazers. An “Ask Al” from Tanya

Ok. So yes. This IS a screen grab from a private message with my friend dear friend Tanya who is currently holidaying in Kho Samui (Yep. Bitch.) She also just got engaged, in the most romantic, idyllic and delightful setting. Yep, she’s living the dream!  While I freeze my you-know-what’s off here and write blogs… Continue Reading

How To Make Your Hair Look Thicker

How To Make Your Hair Look Thicker

An “Ask Al” Question from Rachael Following on from my recent post “How To Get Big Hair” I thought it timely to answer another reader’s question about thinning hair. I mean let’s face it; getting big hair is in some ways, also a solution to fine or thinning hair. So, I’m sharing with you my… Continue Reading

How To Get Big Hair

How To Get Big Hair

They say “The bigger the hair, the closer to God”. So I figure I should make it my mission to get bigger hair right now! Someone commented on my hair the other day. She asked what I’d been doing with it lately? I said “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you. There’s a… Continue Reading