News Presenter/Journalist Andrew Lofthouse describes his signature style as casual, even though what we see every weeknight on Channel Nine news is anything but! But the smoke and mirrors of TV is proof that what you see isn’t always ALL you get – particularly when it comes to the very stylish Mr Andrew Lofthouse. The consummate professional, Andrew’s on-air persona is relaxed, friendly and cool. Always at ease in front of a camera, this lovely man is equally at ease and in his element in front of a live audience indulging his other passion – music.
I will admit here – which is a pretty big admission from a Stylist – that initially I had NO idea who the person Andrew described as his style icon, was! But thank goodness for Google, I now do! It’s (as Andrew describes him) “The Modfather” “The Modfather” is Paul Weller, and call it serendipity or whatever you like, but Paul Weller was actually a member of the 80’s band many of us remember because of their good taste in names “Style Council” (See? I knew there was a reason I thought “Lofty” was pretty cool!)
This distinguished gentleman gracing your screens each night is just like the rest of us, with past fashion faux-pas to be might proud of. He describes his most memorable fashion moment as his 70’s red flares! Can you picture him in those today? I didn’t think so! These days, in keeping with the true rocker within, and also the more conservative persona News Presenter/Journo, the colour Andrew has most of in his wardrobe is black and grey, and his favourite wardrobe staple is jeans. He does love a good herringbone shirt and his styling tip is to keep it simple – again, another Style Counsel approved method!
On a more personal level, Andrew says his favourite personal feature is his patience and determination, but his partner’s favourite would have to be, quite simply, ‘when he cooks’! He loves people who “cut through” while he dislikes people who “complicate things”. I have to say this was clearly evident in the way he answered my probing questions too! Simple, uncomplicated, direct, to the point – all qualities that are in sync with the external image this stylish man projects!
When asked the question “If money was no object, where would you most like to be/see yourself now or in 5 years time?” his answered quite simply “I love what I do right now”. How refreshing. Someone who loves the space he’s in – not wishing his life away for or searching for something different. Just enjoying the moment and what life has offered him right here, right now.
Andrew says his parents taught him to take the opportunities that come, and he thinks children should all know they can be anything they want to be.
Here are a few more random facts you might not know about Channel Nine’s “Lofty” :
Rugby, AFL or League : “love all sport but we’re mad soccer fans”
Biggest Weakness: A good burger now and then
Pet Hate : Drivers who don’t keep left
Royalist or Republican : Republican
Passion : Music
Beach or Bush : Beach
Morning or Night : Night
Winter or Summer : Winter
Exercise : Loves to run
Favourite Restaurant : Surf n’ Spice, Caloundra
Favourite Food : Indian
Thank you for sharing this insight into Lofty.
I have always enjoyed his style of presentation whether on the ABC or Nine and it’s nice to know a little more about the man himself. He’s a fellow Sunshine Coaster which always gets a big tick in my book.
Am really enjoying your blog which I’ve just discovered via FYBF and look forward to receiving updates into the New Year,
Felicity x